Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Low Oil and Low Effort Doi Begun

Which reminds me- I HAVE cooked something nice this year.

This is the traditional Doi Begun, but low oil and low effort, so subsequently a little low in taste- but true brinjal lovers not to be fobbed of with small things like that

I got tempted to make this after seeing my friend Mhashi's  FB posts during her trip to Calcutta, Doi Begun was one of the things she had and it did look tempting- the luscious begun fried to a rich velvety brown in generous lashings of oil, caramelised onions complementing the colour, and the creamy contrasting white curd.
I love brinjal and dishes cooked in curd and seeing this posted by a friend visiting Calcutta just got too much for me and something snapped in my head.

I went to Grains for Brains (yes that  is what the grocery store  here is called, not sure if somebody meant to be cheesy or not :P) and picked up all the small aubergine I could find.
Traditionally ALL bengali brinjal dishes are started by deep frying the brinjals. However, whenever I cook, in the interests of time, health (and to be honest I am genuinely afraid of deep frying, oil splashes and therefore a most unpractised hand), I never fry the brinjal- I just cover them in a little more oil and let it roast. Sometimes I cheat even more and let it boil.

I fried some onions till a nice pink turning to brown. Then I stirred in the brinjals, let them roast, got impatient and poured some water and let it boil. Roasted jeera powder, green chillies and salt completed the dish. Once the brinjal is cooked, beat as much curd as you want and pour it over the brinjal. Serve immediately. Chopped coriander and/or rock salt can be added as per taste.

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