Thursday, September 8, 2011

How I usually cook meat

Since I spoke yesterday about my "usual way" of cooking chicken, I might as well elaborate.

This is NOT meant to be a joke. This blog is written for people who do not know how to cook; which reminds me, I'd better start editing the posts to put in exact proportions of ingredients :(

I usually cook meat ( mutton and chicken, have not graduated as yet to pork, and not very fond of beef)  as follows (this is the basic cooking procedure, and not a recipe of any kind)
Meat is usually marinaded-makes it much easier to cook and tastier to eat-and left in the fridge or outside.
Onions and tomato are fried till they form a mush like substance (a separate post on this) first onion , then tomato. This step is optional. One can skip either onion or tomato, or both ( as in the chicken 65)
The meat is now dumped into this mess.( If not using onion or tomato, dump the meat in after frying the spices, if not using any whole spices, just heat some oil in the wok, and dump the meat in)

the meat will release a lot of  water...cover and simmer this till it starts bubbling and boiling. Let the water evaporate.
Kind of stir fry the meat, or just let it roast. when the oil starts to appear (called oil separating) throw in some more water(3/4 of a coffee mug is good for 500gm-1kg of meat). Repeat the process.
Repeat the process as many times as you like till the meat is tender.
Cover while simmering...and don't wait inside the kitchen. I usually watch stuff on Youtube while preparing meat of any kind. The segments are just the right length for letting water simmer and boil off. Stirring the meat during simmers should not be for more than 5-10 minutes each.

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