Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kosha Mangsho( Mutton in onion tomato semi-gravy)

This is my piece de resistance, my signature dish. You cannot go wrong with it :) and it takes a lot of time to cook, but is surprisingly not at all labour intensive.

This can be made both with or without tomatoes, tastes good without, tastes even better with. As I said, you cannot go wrong with this dish.
The faint hearted and the calorie conscious better move on to the next recipe, which is uchhe chochhori. (Karela stir fry) . This dish simply EXUDES fat.. god knows, mutton is fatty enough in itself , and on top of that the oil used for frying onions and tomatoes...I am not surprised that as kids we only ate mutton about twice a year at home...
Even now, when I cook it, it's generally for other people, ..I can never manage to eat more than two pieces myself..but I am not very good at digesting red meat . If I can get a tip on how to make tit less fatty, I will put it up. Then again, as my cousin said, Meat was meant to be decadent ! Here goes,

500  gm of GOAT meat (NOT lamb!)
Four onions.. you can reduce the number if you want a less rich gravy
A tomato or maybe two
Two tablespoons of curd
Ginger paste or whole ginger
Garlic paste
Bay leaf(optional)
Green chilli (optional)
Red chilli powder or bettr still, Kashmiri mirch
Salt and sugar.

Marinade the mutton in the curd, turmeric, ginger and garlic pastes, chilly powder, a little salt. A small dash of pepper can also e added hre- this is purely a matter of taste. A small amount of lemon juice adds to taste and tenderness.

If whole ginger (sliced) and green chilies are used, heat some oil in a kadai till it bubbles, and then fry them in this(Lower flame once you have put the spice in)
Slice the onion and let them caramelise. What I do is heat the oil, dump the onions in it and turn down the flame I stir it a bit and let it sit. Meanwhile start slicing tomatoes. The onion should be nice and soft and brown after ten minutes.. they need to be brown and on the way to mushy, just translucent will not do. At this stage add the tomatoes..stir them in nicely with the onion. The tomato will imeddiately start releasing juices.Pay attention to this process, because it's ncie to watch and benefits from stirring as well. Once a fair amount of juice has been released, start pressing the tomatoes down with the ladle... this kind of smashes them and helps the process.
Let the juice evaporate and the tomatoes fry till the oil separate, as in the liquid will disappear and the oil will appear at the side. THIS is the glorious moment when you add the mutton!
Once you lift the mutton out of the marinade and add it, stir it such that it mixes well with the onion-tomato mush. at this point of time, the onions and tomato, though mushy should be distinctly visible. As you stir it, gradually a good amount of water will be released...Once the mutton is nicely mixed, cover it up, and let it boil in it's own water. Leave it for at least twenty minutes like this on a low heat (basically don't raise the heat once you have started frying the masalas) and go and do something else. Come back after the stipulated time, and you will fine the water almost evaporated. Let the mutton play in the concoction fora while, stir it, let the water boil off, let it roast in the dryish mix for five minutes. After which add more water, cover it up and repeat the process, at least twice, till the mutton is tender. Since in this method a pressure cooker is not used ( I am scared of them), it will take 90 minutes at least for the meat to be ready, HOWEVER, you should not have to spend more than 20 minutes to half an hour in the kitchen+ of course 20 more minutes for slicing onions
I suggest cooking this dish by parts. the first time I made it, I sliced the onions and tomatoes and fried them one night, made the actual dish two days later. I find.. splitting up kitchen work like this, makes it less exhausting and adds to the pleasure..I can play around in the kitchen without having to make an entire dish.. and when I do make the actual dish.. it becomes more of an assembly ...

The first one is the dish with the tomatoes, and the second one is the version without.

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