Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pet peeves Or Things I Do NOT like to do in the kitchen

And are therefore things which will never appear here, unless written by a guest
1) Using a pressure cooker. The noise and violence of it scares me.  Plus have heard horror stories of it bursting without enough water. Like all gadgets it must have ben invented by a male. It is a great mystery to me, why men are so chronically incapable of inventing gadgets and tools, which are not NOISY
2) As a corollary to 1 - cook any dish, which cannot be done without a pressure cooker. No, this does NOT mean mutton. Mutton , or indeed any meat, can be cooked as well, if not better, if slow cooked on a low flame in some sort of pot or kadhai. Give it time, cos it will take 90 mins to a couple of hours, but then mutton is the soul of lazy lunches and dinners and is NOT meant to be eaten or cooked in a hurry.
3) Cook Dal. This follows directly from 1. Strangely enough, unlike meat, no matter how much I boil dal, I cannot get it soft and mushy without a cooker. Not much of a loss, because I dislike lentils in any case.
4)Dishes which need to be made piece by piece by piece by piece in loving detail. Ergo, Rotis are OUT. As are the other flatbreads, much to my sorrow. I MIGHT however one day make an exception for fish fries/cutlets
5) Cutting vegetables. Unfortunately there is NO way I can avoid this :(((
Cutting beans in particular, am grateful that I can generally find ways of avoiding it
6) Finding worms inside cauliflowers :((. But I still love to cook and eat cauliflower :)
7) Peeling potatoes. Sacrilege for somebody who is primarily into Bengali cooking...where it is added to every bloody dish, both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian... but I can and DO avoid it.In the face of criticism, I make pious remarks about counting the carbs and the calories :P


Washing up the dishes, and cleaning the kitchen after cooking :)). I HATE HATE HATE these activities with a vengeance. Is blue collar drudgery in my book, after the skillful artistry of cooking. Feels like a demeaning come-down after actually creating a dish :(


  1. I boil dal in the microwave. Easier to clean a glass bowl than a pressure cooker and it takes the same time.

  2. Dal in a microwave simply spills over for me :(. But a friend taught me how to use the microwave for boiling potatoes and now peeling them is a cakewalk :)
